Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPhone 5 graphics default / splash image size and name

Hey geeks!

A new big screen iPhone device (iPhone5) is now in the market, To support this 1/2" bigger screen apple recommends (Following is the Email I received):
"If you are updating your app for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation), you must provide additional screenshots to support the new screen dimensions for the App Store."

The new screenshot dimensions are:

640 x 1136 (portrait)
640 x 1096 (portrait)
1136 x 640 (landscape)
1136 x 600 (landscape)

To support default splash on retina and non-retina display older iPhone devices, we used to have default.png (320px X 480 px) and default@2x.png (640px X 960px), To support iPhone 5, now we need to add an image of size 640px x 1136px in your resources folder.

name:  Default-568h@2x
Size :  640px x 1136px

Hope this helps!

note: Make sure It meets apple guidelines as well. Its just a information and update to help you guys with my personal notes/knowledge I gain by learning.


  1. Just an update : Apple is now explicitly rejects (on upload) applications binary submitted with the iOS 5.x SDK and iPhone 5 default images i.e. Default-568h@2X, as 'INVALID binary' with a mail to developer account owner saying "Invalid Launch Image - Your app contains a launch image with a size modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or later."

  2. Hi Praveen,

    Words like charm to me. But the splash name should be "Default@2x". (i.e not capital X)
